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Four Ways to Get Your Roof Ready for the Summer

Winter weather can cause havoc for your roof. Snowfall, increasingly colder temperatures, high winds, and ice all can cause long term damage to your roof if left untreated. As the weather warms and we get closer to the summer, now is the time to inspect your roof for any damage and make the necessary repairs. Here are three things to look out for when inspecting your roof.

Check Your Gutters

Your gutters are the first line of defense in extending your roof’s life. Twigs, dirt, larger branches, and leaves consist of the most frequent obstructions found in your gutters. The debris can collect over a period of months, or possibly even years, and can have a significant impact on how water flows through your gutters and away from the house. If you want to leave gutter maintenance to the professionals, you can contact Elegant Exteriors, LLC, your local roof repair contractor in the East Windsor, NJ area, to help.  

Attic Ventilation 

The conditions in your attic have a direct impact on how your roof handles the summer heat. As heat rises in your home, the temperatures can get to extreme temperatures and begin to break down your roof deck prematurely. To ensure that space is venting correctly, check to see if your attic fan is working properly and ensure that the soffit vents are not obstructed by insulation. Addressing those two potential problems can help alleviate the stress on your HVAC system. It provides a steady stream of fresh air entering and exiting your attic, taking the high temperatures and damaging humidity with it. 

Look for Missing Shingles or Tiles

No matter what material your roof uses, checking for any cracked or missing shingles or tiles should be high up on your to-do list. Shingles and tiles are in place to protect your home from the elements. Extended exposure to rain, snow, extreme wind, or the increasing temperatures of summer deteriorates your roof quicker, forcing you to replace portions of it — if not the entire thing — much sooner than expected. You can fix the damage resulting from winter weather as soon as the weather warms up, so be on the lookout for any signs of trouble during this time of year. 

Schedule an Inspection

Once you have inspected your gutters and checked for missing shingles, you may want to get your roof professionally inspected. A professional inspection will help determine the overall health of your roof. Depending on the inspection results, you can determine whether or not further action is required to repair your roof. 

If you are looking for a quality roofing repair service in the Toms River, NJ area, give Elegant Exteriors, LLC a call at 908-356-6372 to get your free roof evaluation and estimate today!

Don’t delay, call today for your free roof evaluation and estimate.
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